Founded in 1936 as a manufacturer of products for the protection of buildings against the action of water, since then Casali has worked to find the most innovative and efficient solutions, taking into account the most up-to-date developments in building techniques and the need to protect the natural environment as a precious resource. In our very long history, we have acquired an experience which is unique, placing it at the service of our customers with reliable products and systems, to resolve even the most complex building problems, above all those related to waterproofing, and later with products to ensure sound comfort and high performance sports surfaces. Liquid Waterproofing Products is the Casali products line, born in 1992, that includes resin-based products such as liquid waterproofing systems of different technology, such as bituminous, acrylic, cementitious, epoxy and polyurethane, ideals to waterproof complex structures like terraces, balconies, wet areas of the buildings, and renovation of damaged waterproofing systems (non-demolitive resurfacing), etc. Casali's range of liquid waterproofing products is certified by UNI EN 1504-2 (CE mark) and UNI EN 14891.